Thursday, July 21, 2016

Opinions are like Elbows....

I am a born and raised southern, republican, Type A mom and think my way is the best way.  As the years creep up on me, the worse my self diagnosed ADD gets and it hinders my organization skills.  That stresses me out!  Most of the time I'd rather trouble myself to get something done, and KNOW that it will be done right, rather than the end result be sub par.  As with life, this doesn't exactly always pan out as the nice neat little plan I have in my head.  I know I am not the only wanna be overachiever out there who gets lost in the translation of getting started/finishing a really super awesome Pinterest project.  The beginning of the school year for a teacher is the worst.  Whose Pinterest and Teachers Pay Teachers account is slam slap full of new ideas and decorations that you have yet to buy or print? 

I have a few opinions on life, raising kids, teaching, social scenes, and let us please not forget ETIQUETTE.  Although it does seem that much of todays young people, heck even middle agers, have absolutely no clue who Amy Vanderbilt or Emily Post is.  I do realize that it is important for everyone to have their own opinions.  That's what makes the world go round-right???  At least in theory that is how is should work...

I will not promise that I will always be politically correct or have 100% correct grammar or spelling.  I do promise that I know that difference between "there" and "their", and can use them correctly.  Do you?  Comments are welcome.  Remember to be nice and love everyone because, opinions are like elbows, everyone has them.  

Speaking of opinions; are you tired of hearing about Back to School stuff or the Melania Trump speech debacle?  Check out the poll below and see what everyone else thinks too.  

As I added this last image to the right (if your on a mobile version I don't think it will be on the right) I couldn't help but think "oh my, I've somehow managed to hit on Etiquette, Amy Vanderbilt, Emily Post, and a very controversial portion of the current Presidential race"  I think I've done them (Amy and Emily) an injustice here...Sorry ladies.  So here it is #forwhatitsworth 

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